Purpose and Overview
The Code is applicable to all officers, directors, employees and temporary employees (each, a “Covered Person”) of SMART PEHR and all of its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, the “Company”).
Purpose. The Code summarizes the values, principles and business practices that guide the business conduct of the Company and also provides a set of basic principles to guide Covered Persons regarding the minimum ethical requirements expected of them. The Code supplements the Company’s existing employee policies. All Covered Persons are expected to become familiar with the Code and to apply these principles in the daily performance of their jobs.
Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations
All Covered Persons of the Company are required to comply with all of the applicable laws, rules and regulations of Argentina. and other countries, cities and other jurisdictions, in which the Company conducts its business, although traffic violations and other minor offenses will not be considered violations of this Code. Local laws may in some instances be less restrictive than the principles set forth in this Code. In those situations, Covered Persons should comply with the Code, even if the conduct would otherwise be legal under applicable local laws. On the other hand, if local laws are more restrictive than the Code, Covered Persons should comply with applicable local laws. Further, any provision of this Code that is contrary to law in a particular jurisdiction will have no force or effect in that jurisdiction solely with respect to such provision(s), although this Code (including any such provision) will remain applicable in all other jurisdictions.
Securities Transactions
Insider Trading. Such legal compliance includes, without limitation, compliance with the Company’s insider trading policy, which prohibits Covered Persons from trading securities, either personally or on behalf of others, while in possession of applicable material non-public information or communicating such material non-public information to others in violation of the law.
Conflicts of Interest
Avoidance of Conflicts. All Covered Persons are required to conduct themselves in a manner and with such ethics and integrity so as to avoid a conflict of interest, either real or apparent. Conflict of Interest Defined. A conflict of interest is any circumstance where an individual’s personal interest interferes with the interests of the Company. All Covered Persons have a duty to avoid financial, business or other relationships that might be opposed to the interests of the Company or might cause a conflict with the performance of their duties. Potential Conflict Situations. A conflict can arise when a Covered Person takes actions or has interests that may make it difficult to perform his or her Company related work objectively and effectively. Conflicts also may arise when a Covered Person, or a member of his or her family, receives improper personal benefits as a result of his or her position in the Company.
Corporate Opportunities
Covered Persons are prohibited from (i) taking for themselves opportunities that are discovered through the use of Company property, information or position, (ii) using Company property, information or position for personal gain, and/or (iii) competing with the Company.
Gifts, Entertainment and Contributions
Receipt of Gifts and Entertainment. The Company’s aim is to deter providers of gifts or entertainment from seeking or receiving special favors from Covered Persons in connection with activities performed by or for, or business relationships established with, the Company.
All Covered Persons are strictly prohibited from offering or giving gifts, meals or entertainment to business partners or others (including government officials, government employees, certain other government-related entities and persons, and certain family members of the foregoing) in order to improperly influence them. Covered Persons should consult the Company’s Anti-Corruption Policy before providing gifts or other items of value, including entertainment and travel, to others and should seek to avoid even the appearance of any impropriety. Covered Persons should be aware that practices that may be acceptable in the commercial business environment (such as providing certain transportation, meals, entertainment and other things of value) may be unacceptable and even illegal when they involve government officials, government employees, certain other government-related entities and persons, or certain family members of the foregoing, or others who act on behalf of government entities or persons. Therefore, Covered Persons are required to comply with the relevant laws and regulations governing relations between government officials, government employees and related entities or persons, on the one hand, and customers and suppliers, on the other hand, in every country where the Company conducts business.
Political Contributions
Election laws in many jurisdictions generally prohibit political contributions by corporations to candidates. Many local laws also prohibit corporate contributions to local political campaigns. In accordance with these laws, the Company does not make direct contributions to any candidates for federal, state or local offices where applicable laws make such contributions illegal and, in such cases, contributions to political campaigns must not be made with or reimbursed by the Company’s funds or resources.
Outside Employment
Restrictions. Subject to any departmental restrictions, Covered Persons are permitted to engage in outside employment if it is free of any actions that could be considered a conflict of interest. Outside employment must not adversely affect a Covered Person’s job performance at the Company, and outside employment must not result in absenteeism, tardiness or a Covered Person’s inability to work overtime when requested or required. Covered Persons may not engage in outside employment that requires or involves using Company time, materials or resources. For purposes of this Code, outside employment includes self-employment.
Due to the fiduciary nature of the Company’s business, all potential conflicts of interest that could result from a Covered Person’s outside employment should be discussed with the Covered Person’s supervisor or manager and the Human Resources Department, prior to entering into additional employment relationships.
Confidential Information Obligations
Confidentiality. Covered Persons are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of information entrusted to them as a result of their roles with the Company, except when disclosure is authorized or legally mandated. The sensitive nature of the business requires that Covered Persons be continuously aware of the confidential nature of the information to which they may have access.
As a result of employment or service with the Company, a Covered Person may produce, receive, or become acquainted with the confidential information or trade secrets of the Company, information the Company has received from others that the Company is required to treat as confidential, including information concerning the Company’s employees, stockholders, clients, customers, business partners, and mutual fund shareholders and other product investors, and other commercially sensitive information the privacy, confidentiality, and secrecy of which is valued by the Company (collectively, “Confidential Information”). Each Covered Person must comply with all applicable Company policies concerning confidentiality and/or public statements, as they may be amended from time to time.
Confidential Information includes, without limitation, non-public corporate financial information, purchasing and sales data, and pricing lists or schedules; client and business prospect identities and information, marketing strategies and methods; market analyses or projections; products, services, and the pricing; business plans, strategies, methods, templates, models, policies and procedures; software, databases, hardware configurations, or other technology or tools created, developed or compiled by the Company; formulas, discoveries, inventions, designs, improvements, concepts and ideas; client, supplier, or other third party confidential and/or proprietary information received in confidence by the Company, and any information that may be subject to non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements between the Company and said parties; any confidential and privileged legal advice given to the Company; applicant and employee private or otherwise protected information or data obtained by a Covered Person in connection with the Covered Person’s employment or service with the Company, including, but not limited to, personal information contained in applications and resumes submitted to the Company and in Company performance evaluations, and Company termination information and agreements not otherwise available outside of the Company; the Company’s internal reporting or organizational structure information and personnel lists; and the Company’s compensation structure and formula information for any business purpose competitive to the Company.
Ownership of Intellectual Property
The Company owns all Intellectual Property, in all of the works and inventions created or made by a Covered Person at and/or for the Company, whether partial or completed. A Covered Person shall hold on trust for, and is obligated to assign to the Company all Intellectual Property that does not by operation of law in any specific jurisdiction automatically vest in the Company, in any works or inventions that the Covered Person creates or develops, alone or with others, while working for the Company.
“Intellectual Property” includes all trademarks and service marks, trade secrets, patents and patent subject matter and inventor rights, whether or not copyrightable. It includes all creations, not limited to inventions, discoveries, developments, works of authorship, ideas and know-how. It does not matter whether or not the Company can protect them by patent, copyright, trade secrets, trade names, trade or service marks or other intellectual property right. It also includes all materials containing any intellectual property. These materials include but are not limited to flash drives and other electronic media storage devices now known or hereafter developed, electronic files, printouts, notebooks, drawings, artwork and other record types, media, or documentation. To the extent applicable, non-trade secret intellectual property constitutes a “work made for hire” owned by the Company.